Dear members of ISCLH,
On behalf of the new officers and directors, please allow me to thank you for your ongoing support of the society. As the new board, which was announced to you last week, begins to operate, I would like to bring three things to your attention:
For those of you who are planning to attend the AAS annual conference in Washington, DC, we would like to invite you to a society-wide gathering at 8:30 pm on Friday, March 23, in Washington Room 3 at the Marriott Wardman. Board of Director members, executive officers, and committee members: please consider arriving at 7:30 pm for a business meeting, where we can discuss the planning of our upcoming workshops/conferences and other items on the Society’s agenda.
The American Society for Legal History (ASLH) will have its annual meeting this year in Houston, in early November. They have invited ISCLH members to submit panel proposals. If you are interested but need help assembling a panel, please let us know.
The Society is currently in the process of organizing two workshops/conferences: one at Yale in December 2018 or January 2019, and one in Taipei in the summer of 2019. Should you have suggestions or thoughts, we would welcome your input.
Thank you again, and best wishes for a prosperous Year of the Dog!
Taisu Zhang President
