Welcome to ISCLH 歡迎光臨國際學會入會信息頁
One of the many benefits of joining ISCLH is to allow you to immediately become part of a global community of scholars of Chinese law and history. Our members come from a number of different countries and include many of the most prominent researchers and younger rising stars in the field. Members will have ample opportunities to collaborate with others on a variety of projects. They can also have their work featured on the Society’s Website or attend members-only workshops or conferences that will be held periodically in different places.
If you would like to join ISCLH, please click the link below to fill out the Membership Application Form and send it back. We will notify your of our decision on the application as soon as possible. If approved, your membership will take effect after having paid the membership dues according to ISCLH instructions. If you have more questions, please feel free to contact the Society officers via email. Thank you. Below, you will also find the link to pay your membership fees or make a donation to ISCLH by credit or debit card.
如果您決定加入我們學會,請將下面的申請表如實全部填好后,照表末的電郵地址寄給學會相關人員。我門會及時審核入會申請并將決定儘快通知您。如果申請獲得批準,申請人按指示付清會費后,會員資格將在獲得學會秘书处確認后正式生效。如有疑問,請与學會管理人員聯係。謝謝您的支持! 如点击本页末尾的連接,您可以用信用卡、银行卡或Paypal賬戶從互聯網上立刻安全的支付您的會費或捐款给學會。
If you need help with regard to the membership application or paying the membership or registration fee, please feel free to contact Society Secretary Dr. Weilin Xiao at wlxiao@hku.hk or Society Treasurer Prof. Jenny H. Day at jhuangfu@skidmore.edu .