2022 Awards
On behalf of the Book Prize committee of ISCLH, we are happy to announce the results of our inaugural book prize competitions:
Professor Mara Yue Du’s book, State and Family in China: Filial Piety and Its Modern Reform (Cambridge University Press, 2021) (link to the press), is the winner of the first biennial book prize (2020-2021) of The International Society for Chinese Law and History (ISCLH).
Professor Meng Zhang’s book, Timber and Forestry in Qing China (University of Washington Press, 2021) (link to the press), has received honorable mention for the prize.
The ISCLH plans to hold a book prize ceremony at the upcoming Association for Asian Studies annual conference in Boston in March 2023.
18 Nov. 2022
中国法律与历史国际学会2022年的首届(双年)最佳著作奖揭晓!经过学会著作奖评选委员会的长期筹备和数月的仔细评审,一致同意将本届的著作奖授予康奈尔大学杜乐教授的 State and Family in China: Filial Piety and Its Modern Reform《中国的国与家:孝道及其近代变革》(Cambridge University Press, 2021) 一书,并同时授予范德堡大学张萌教授的 Timber and Forestry in Qing China 《清代中国的木材与林业》 (University of Washington Press, 2021) 一书荣誉提名奖(honorable mention)。我们代表学会热烈祝贺两位作者,也感谢评奖委员会成员和学会著作委员会成员的辛苦工作。
中国法律与历史国际学会 2022年11月18日
Here is the citation from the Prize Committee on Professor Yue Du's book:
"Drawing upon an impressive body of diverse archival sources from multiple regions across China, Yue Du’s book provides highly valuable insights on how the state in Qing and Republican China employed various legal doctrines and mechanisms to structure and reshape family relations and hierarchy in order to promote the desired social and political order. With a remarkable combination of analytical precision and conceptual sophistication, this study has done an admirable job in illuminating the changes and continuities in the power dynamics of the state-society relationship over time through the lens of family law and judicial politics. The book makes a major contribution to the rapidly expanding field of interdisciplinary study of the history of Chinese law, culture, and society."