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Call for Papers – Bi-annual Conference of The International Society for Chinese Law and History

Writer's picture: Li ChenLi Chen

June 10-12, 2021「2021中国法律与历史国际学会在线双年会」征求论文启事

The International Society for Chinese Law and History (ISCLH) is pleased to announce a call for paper for its Bi-annual Conference, to be held online on June 10 to 12, 2021. Established in 2013, ISCLH is now the primary international intellectual hub for Chinese legal historians. It hosts a workshop in North America every two years, and a larger conference in East Asia in the intervening years. Previously we have held our bi-annual conference at Fudan University, Shanghai (2015), China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing (2017), and National Taipei University, Taipei (2019). The ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic might restrict our ability to travel and in-person scholarly exchanges, but we are committed to provide a forum for sharing the latest scholarship of Chinese legal history and facilitating intellectual conversations for scholars interested in Chinese law and history.

The conference welcomes any works on Chinese legal history, regardless of chronological focus, methodology, and disciplines. Authors are invited to submit panel proposals, individual paper proposals, and roundtable proposals to the Conference Submission System by March 1, 2021. If you are interested in presenting a paper, please submit the relevant author information and an abstract (up to 300 words) of the paper. Panel conveners should submit a panel proposal (up to 300 words) descripting the topic of the panel, along with abstracts of individual papers and information of the potential chair and/or discussants. Roundtable organizers should submit a proposal (up to 300 words) explaining the theme of the roundtable and the relevant personal information of each panelists (maximum 4 panelists). Panel proposal will be given priority, but as in the past, the committee is happy to receive individual paper proposals, which will then be formed into panels at the conference organizing committee’s discretion.

The conference will be held in English and Chinese. The Conference organizers will review all panel and individual paper proposals, with notifications to be sent out via email by March 31.

Submission link:

For inquiries about the conference, please contact Weiting Guo at or Fei-Hsien Wang at


本会议欢迎中国法律史相关研究(不限时段、研究方法或领域)的发表。我们接受论文小组(panel)、单篇论文(individual paper)以及圆桌讨论(roundtable)的投稿。投稿单篇论文者,请提供作者信息、论文题目与不超过300字的论文摘要。组织论文小组者,请提供小组主题及摘要(300字内)、每篇论文题目及摘要(300字)并拟邀小组主持人与评论人之信息。有意组成圆桌讨论者,请提供讨论主题及摘要(300字内)并主持人及与谈人之信息(至多四人)。论文小组将获优先考虑,但我们同时也鼓励单篇论文的投稿。如获录取,本会将为单篇论文组织成小组,延请评论人。



如有会议相关问题,请洽学会秘书郭威廷博士 或会议委员会主席王飞仙教授



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