Dear ISCLH Members:
The International Society for Chinese Law and History (ISCLH) has established a biennial book prize for the monograph that has been published in the previous two years and made a major and unique contribution to improving understanding of Chinese law and history. Eligible monographs shall be based on original research on Chinese law in history, historical works with extensive and substantial legal analysis, or historically grounded legal studies comparing China and another society.
Only scholarly publications by current ISCLH members are eligible for consideration.
We will consider monographs published in either English or Chinese, and books published in other languages will only be considered in exceptional cases when they are deemed to have made an extraordinary contribution to the field. The author and publisher in those cases will be required to provide additional proof.
We accept both nomination and self-nomination from the presses/authors or other scholars. To apply, the applicants should send a short CV, a brief description of the book limited to three pages (if self-nominated)/ or a recommendation letter limited to three pages (if nominated by others) and an electronic copy of the publication to the prize committee by email. Hard copies might be required later for shortlisted books.
Every even year, the prize committee will accept nominations from September 1 until December 31 for the book prize of the next year. For the 2021 book prize, the prize committee will accept nominations starting from September 1, 2020, until December 31, 2020, for books published in the previous two years (based on the copyright mark printed on the books). Therefore, books published from January 2019 to December 2020 are eligible for consideration and must be submitted before the deadline. The prize winner will normally be announced at the ISCLH biennial conference.
An ISCLH book prize committee, consisting of 3-5 existing members with strong publication records, will review the eligible books thus submitted. In exceptional cases, the committee will invite additional preeminent scholars who are non-members for external review.
The ISCLH Prize Committee Members (in alphabetic order)
Professor Li Chen (University of Toronto)
Professor Shuang Chen (University of Iowa)
Professor Xiaoping Cong (University of Houston)
Professor Michael Ng (University of Hong Kong)
Professor Taisu Zhang (Yale University)
Nominations and any questions on the prize should be directed to Dr. Xiaoping Cong (;
该奖项是颁给为“促进更好地理解中国法律与历史做出了独特且重大贡献”的著作。2019年1月到2020年底12月间出版(以纸板书上所标示的出版年月为准)的相关中文或者英文专著都在考虑之列;其他语言的专著只在特殊情况下才会被考虑。符合提名推荐的学术专著应该是”基于独创性(original research)来分析中国历史上法律课题的著作,或者是包含了大量实质性法律问题分析的历史研究著作,或者从历史角度来比较中外法律问题的学术专著“ (英文原文是: Eligible monographs shall be based on original research on Chinese law in history, historical works with extensive and substantial legal analysis, or historically grounded legal studies comparing China and another society)。
多伦多大学陈利教授Professor Li Chen (University of Toronto)
爱荷华大学陈爽教授Professor Shuang Chen (University of Iowa)
休斯顿大学丛小平教授Professor Xiaoping Cong (University of Houston)
香港大学吴海杰教授Professor Michael Ng (University of Hong Kong)
耶鲁大学张泰苏教授 Professor Taisu Zhang (Yale University)