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Book Prize: Taisu Zhang's new book has won the SSHA's 2024 Allan Sharlin Memorial Book Award! 热烈祝贺耶鲁张泰苏教授荣获社会科学史学会2024年Allan Sharlin最佳专著奖!


热烈祝贺耶鲁张泰苏教授荣获社会科学史学会2024年Allan Sharlin最佳专著奖!

2024年11月03日 20:56

热烈祝贺耶鲁大学法学院张泰苏教授(也是本学会第二任会长和现任董事)再次斩获社会科学史学会(Social Scence History Association)的学术大奖!

张教授的第二本英文专著《清代税收的意识形态基础:信仰体系、政治与制度》近日荣获该学会2024年Allan Sharlin Memorial Book Award最佳著作奖(详见。他的第一本英文专著,《儒家思想的法律与经济学:前工业化时期中国与英国的亲属关系与财产》,也曾荣获该学会2018年的会长著作奖(President's Award)。

Book Abstract 内容介绍

How states develop the capacity to tax is a question of fundamental importance to political science, legal theory, economics, sociology, and history. Increasingly, scholars believe that China's relative economic decline in the 18th and 19th centuries was related to its weak fiscal institutions and limited revenue. This book argues that this fiscal weakness was fundamentally ideological in nature. Belief systems created through a confluence of traditional political ethics and the trauma of dynastic change imposed unusually deep and powerful constraints on fiscal policymaking and institutions throughout the final 250 years of China's imperial history. Through the Qing example, this book combs through several interaction dynamics between state institutions and ideologies. The latter shapes the former, but the former can also significantly reinforce the political durability of the latter. In addition to its historical analysis of ideological politics, this book makes a major contribution to the longstanding debate on Sino-European divergence.


Table of Contents/本书内容目录


Taisu Zhang is a Professor of Law at Yale Law School and works on comparative legal and economic history, private law theory, and contemporary Chinese law and politics. He is the author of two books, The Ideological Foundations of Qing Taxation: Belief Systems, Politics, and Institutions (Cambridge University Press, 2023), and The Laws and Economics of Confucianism: Kinship and Property in Pre-Industrial China and England (Cambridge University Press, 2017). These are the first two entries in a planned trilogy of books on the institutional and cultural origins of early modern economic divergence. He is currently writing two other books: the first, The Authoritarian Functions of Law (And Their Application to Contemporary China), is under contract with Harvard University Press and examines the political and socioeconomic logic of legalization in China. The second, tentatively titled The Cultural-Legal Origins of Economic Divergence, completes the trilogy mentioned above. Zhang's academic articles and essays have recently appeared in journals such as the Journal of Legal Studies, the Journal of Legal Analysis, the Yale Law Journal, and the Harvard Law Review.

Author's bio./作者简介

张泰苏是耶鲁法学院教授,主要研究比较法律与经济史、私法理论以及当代中国法律与政治。他著有两本书:《清代税收的意识形态基础:信仰体系、政治与制度》(剑桥大学出版社,2023年)和《儒家思想的法律与经济学:前工业化时期中国与英国的亲属关系与财产》(剑桥大学出版社,2017年)。这两本书是他计划撰写的关于中西经济分流的三部曲中的前两部。他目前正在撰写另外两本书:第一本为《法律的威权功能(及其当代中国应用)》,已与哈佛大学出版社签约,探讨中国法制化的政治和社会经济逻辑。第二本暂定名为《经济分流的文化起源》,是三部曲的完结篇。张泰苏的学术论文近期发表在Journal of Legal Studies、Journal of Legal Analysis、Yale Law Journal和Harvard Law Review等期刊上。



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