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ISCLH 2021 Biannual Conference [UPDATED]

Writer's picture: Li ChenLi Chen

Note: Changes from the original program highlighted in blue.

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Conference Program

Day 1 June 10th

9:00-10:10 am EDT/ 9:00-10:00 pm CST/ 3:00-4:00 pm CEST

[Room A] Keynote Address

梁治平 Liang Zhiping (浙江大學人文高等研究院中西書院、光華法學院),

“古為今用: “家國天下”的當代言述”


Day 1 June 10th

8:00-10:00 pm EDT/ 5:00-7:00 pm PDT/ June 11th 8:00-10:00 am CST

[Room A] Authority and Reality in Qing legal system

Chair & Discussant: Tristan Brown (MIT)


黄心瑜 (Yale Law School), “难以触及的真相:一起清代知县隐匿灾情弹劾案的分析”

李明 (华中师范大学), “清代的刑部律学”

胡祥雨 (中国人民大学), “确立清律权威:清初的法律应用”

Nancy Park (California State University East Bay), “Corruption in the Qing Code”

[Room B] Imperial Powers and Privileges in China: Tariff Autonomy, Extraterritoriality and Judicial Understandings

Chair: Chihyun CHANG (张志云) (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Discussant: Takeshi HAMASHITA (滨下武志) (Sun Yat-sen University)


Qiong YU (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), “Knowledge Production and Britain’s Expansion in China: Constructing the Narrative of the Cruelty of Chinese Punishment in the Nineteenth Century”

Cheng CAI (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), “The Sino-Foreign Treaties and International Tariff Revisions in Late Qing China, 1842-1902” 条约体系与晚清的税则变迁:1842-1902

Shuiyao JIANG (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), “The Abolition of British Extraterritoriality in Manchukuo, 1932-1941″ 英国在伪满洲国治外法权的废除,1932-1941

[Room C] Regulating Intimacy: Family Law in East Asia

Chair& Discussant: Yun-Ru Chen 陳韻如 (National Taiwan University)

Weilin Xiao (Yale University), “Expansion and Restriction: A Comparative Study of Modernization of Family Laws in Japan and China”

梁弘孟 (臺灣中正大學), “清代服制命案中的義務衝突問題”

Yue Du (Cornell University), “Intergenerational Property Arrangement from the Qing to the Republic: From Parental Custodial Rights to Maintenance”


Day 2 June 11th

9:00-11:00 am EDT/ 9:00-11:00 pm CST/ 3:00-5:00 pm CEST

[Room A] 邊疆上的博弈:明清時期苗疆法律秩序的建構

Chair: 姜永琳 (Bryn Mawr College)

Discussant: 張寧 (Université de Genève)


姜永琳 (Bryn Mawr College), “帝國法律的地方化:明朝軍事法律在苗疆的調適”

谢晓辉 (中山大学历史学系), “’还骨种’:改土归流前后湘西武陵山区的婚姻与社会动员”

徐晓光 (江苏师大法学院/贵州师大历史与政治学院)、徐斌 (貴州民族大學人文科技學院), “月亮山区 ‘埋岩 ’ 谱系与 ‘苗疆习惯法’ 逻辑的典型适用”

[Room B] Social Identity and Judicial Politics in the Qing Empire (1644-1911)

Chair & Discussant: Li Chen (University of Toronto)


Xiao Chen (UIUC), “A Matter of “Manchu Face”? Manchu Language and Jurisdictional Politics in Bannermen’s Sexual Offenses of Eighteenth Century Qing Empire”

Stephanie M. Painter (University of Chicago), “‘Cougars’ in the Qing Courtroom: Feminine Sexual Desire Unleashed”

Gilbert Z. Chen (Towson University), “The Lustful Nun: The Intersection of Law and Female Monastic Sexuality in Nineteenth-Century Western China”

Jiayi Xin (Institute for History Leiden University), “Beyond “Inner and Outer”: Women, Gendered Network and Legal Practice in Nineteenth-Century Baxian”

[Room C] 中国与英格兰财产、法律与社会比较

Chair: Taisu Zhang (Yale University)

Discussant: 王志強 (復旦大學法學院)


周琳 (四川大学), “产究属谁?—从同治至光绪时期一桩财产纠纷看商业城市中的产权规则”

Tim Stretton (University of St Mary, Canada), “Property, Divorce and Separation in England before 1857”

张世慧 (曲阜师范大学), “‘按股分担’,’连合责任’仰或’连带责任’—民国时期合伙商号破产后股东责任问题的争议”

James E. Shaw (University of Sheffield), “Failure, Character and Reputation: Bankruptcy in the Nineteenth-Century Press”


Day 2 June 11th

8:00-10:00 pm EDT/ 5:00-7:00 pm PDT/ June 12th 8:00-10:00 am CST

[Room A] 国家、市场与乡村间的复杂互动

Chair: Ling Peng (Peking University)

Discussant: 阿风 (清华大学)


梁勇 (厦门大学), “客长, 场镇与地域秩序——以清代巴县为例”

凌鹏 (北京大学), “先尽亲邻”问题再探—— 对中国传统“产权”问题的新思考”

潘芸淇、赵思渊 (上海交通大学), “产权诉讼中的地方政治——明清之际休宁县黄石讼案中的证据、观念、路径”

小野达哉 (大阪经济法科大学) , “清朝末期的重庆米市与公共领域—以六宝公所米市为例”

伍跃 (大阪经济法科大学), “传统中国财产秩序中的青苗会――从 ‘擅食田园瓜果’ 律说起”

[Room B] Interpretations and Discourses of International Law

Chair & Discussant: 聶鑫 (清華大學法學院)


颜丽媛 (中国海洋大学法学院), “旧礼新法:近代中国的 ‘不平等条约'”

吴景键 (Yale University), “中美条约关系的早期叙事:以王宠惠为中心的考察”

Ming-hsi Chu 朱明希 (Northwestern University), “Competing Interpreters of International Law: Law and Politics in Nationalist China’s War Crimes Trials, 1946–1949”

[Room C] 微观史视野中的中西税收与法律比较

Chair: 彭凯翔 (河南大学)

Discussant: Taisu Zhang (Yale University)


海丹 (中山大学), “清代后期榷关征税纠纷所见地方权限扩张”

娄敏 (上海工程技术大学), “民国时期江津县的税收纠纷与官商关”

杨松涛 (河南大学), “近代早期英格兰堂区济贫税征收纠纷与基层政治”


Day 3 June 12th

9:00-11:00 am EDT/ 9:00-11:00 pm CST/ 3:00-5:00 pm CEST

[Room A] “In a Melon Field and Under a Plum Tree”: How Food Shaped Chinese Law and Morality?

Chair: Thomas Buoye (University of Tulsa)

Discussant: Peng-Sheng Chiu (Shanghai Jiaotong University)


Hsiao-I Yang (Shanghai Normal University), “Law and Morality: Stealing Melons and Fruits from Other People’s Fields in the Tang Dynasty”

Jackson Yue Bin Guo (University of Toronto), “Ruthless and Rapacious Like Jackals and Wolves”: The Public Fear of Intoxicated Criminals in 18th-century China”

Rui Gao (University of Toronto), “ ‘Remaining pure’: The Bureau of Tobacco and Liquor and Anti-Corruption Campaigns in Early Twentieth-Century China”

Weiwei Luo (Grinnell College), “Between Corruption and Theft: Moral Economy and Legal Reasoning in mid-Qing”

[Room B] Law in Socialist Societies

Chair & Discussant: Yun Xia (Shanghai University)


Yi Lu (Havard University), “Law’s Archive in the Early People’s Republic of China”

Joanna Nawrotkiewicz (University of Warsaw), “State-owned Enterprises in China and Poland: A Historical Outline (1949-2021)”

Marianne von Blomberg (Cologne University, Zhejiang University), “Law in the Genealogy of Social Credit in China”

Zhaojin Zeng (Duke Kunshan University), “State Capacity and Underground Capitalism: Reconsidering the Legal and Social Legacies of Chinese Nationalization”

[Room C] Individuals and the State in Imperial China

Chair & Discussant: Liang Chai (University of Notre Dame)


Bo Peter Zhang (McGill University), “Legal Consciousness and Realpolitik in Early Imperial China”

易素梅 (中山大学), 宋代赌博法制史研究

Huiying Chen (University of Illinois at Chicago), Travelers Exempted: Legal Response to the Changing Reality of Travel in Eighteenth-century China

楊揚 (北京科技大學), “定罪與量刑:清代刑部駁案中的圖賴裁判”


Day 3 June 12th

8:00-10:30 pm EDT/ 5:00-7:30 pm PDT/ June 13th 8:00-10:30 am CST

[Room A] A Roundtable on Research Questions and Methodology: Law, Bureaucracy and State Capacity in Imperial and Modern China / 研究问题和方法圆桌讨论:秦汉以来中国的法律, 官僚体系和国家能力


Liang Cai 蔡亮 (University of Notre Dame), “Data of Narrative and Narrative of Data: How Long-distant reading can help re-examine Early Imperial China”

Li Chen 陈利 (University of Toronto), “Legal Expertise, the Bureaucratic “Iron Cage” and Symbolic Capital in Qing China”

Taisu Zhang 张泰苏 (Yale University), “Hard and Soft Dimensions of State Capacity, and How To Understand Their Relationship”

Yang Zhang 张杨(American University), “The Constitution and Contradiction of “Bureaucracy” in the Late Imperial Chinese State”

Ying Zhang 张颖 (Ohio State University), “Data and Biography: Studying “Bureaucracy” in Imperial China on Its Own Terms”

Xueguang Zhou 周雪光 (Stanford University), “State Capacities in China Revisited: The 1949 Divide”



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